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Friday, July 27, 2012

Fisheries investigating killing of dugong at Ifira

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The Director of Fisheries Department, Moses Amos, has confirmed that eye witnesses have witnessed a dugong (Sea Cow) being killed on the Southern end of Ifira Island on July 18 (Wednesday) in the morning.
Mr Amos stated: “It has been said that those involved claimed for it being caught on their fishing nets and also eating the fish off their nets which is not true on the dugong’s part as its main diet does not include fish or any meat but rather sea grass and algae.

“The Department of Fisheries is well aware of the incident and is further investigating the matter.
“Members of the public are hereby advised that according to the Fisheries Act Cap 315 No. 55 of 2005 dugongs are classified as “Marine Mammals” and Section 37 subsection (1) states that A person must not kill, harm, harass, take or move any marine mammal in the Vanuatu Whale Sanctuary.
“Also according to the Fisheries Act, “Vanuatu Whale Sanctuary” means all Vanuatu waters, therefore such actions are condemned under national legislation, international treaties and conventions on the protection of marine life.

“Members of the public should be made aware that dugongs, dolphins, porpoises and whales are endangered species and need utmost protection from harm and danger.
“Since Vanuatu has now become a popular tourist destination it would be unwise to not take precautionary measures to protect and conserve our wildlife whether on land or at sea.
“The penalty of breaching this Act is a fine for not more than Vatu 50,000,000 or a term of imprisonment not more than 2 years or both.

“Ignorance of the law is not a defense, inexcusable and cannot be tolerated. Let this be a warning to the Vanuatu population that killing, harming, harassing, taking or moving any marine mammal in Vanuatu waters is prohibited.

“Therefore conservation and protection of our marine resources is everyone’s business for our present and future generation,” Fisheries Director Mr Amos said.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

Attorney for Captain Paul Watson Confirms the Activist has Departed Germany

Sea Shepherd Has Learned Japan May Also Be Seeking To Extradite Watson
news_120725_1_1_BV_PaulWatson_portrait_2_9635After three days of speculation surrounding his whereabouts, German legal counsel for Captain Paul Watson has confirmed the marine conservationist has departed Germany and is in an undisclosed location.
“Captain Watson’s attorney reports he has left Germany,” said Susan Hartland, Administrative Director of Sea Shepherd. We have reason to believe from a reliable source that, once in Costa Rica, the Japanese Government may have sought extradition of Captain Watson to Japan to answer charges related to obstructing their illegal whaling activities in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. We have no further information and are not in touch with him. We will do our best to provide more details as we learn more. We will post any new information as it arrives and we are able to confirm its validity."

Captain Watson had been detained in Germany for 70 days despite thousands of letters of support sent to the German Ministry of Justice from the public, celebrities, politicians and other luminaries arguing for his release. He was arrested in Frankfurt on May 13th on a 10-year-old warrant from Costa Rica while en route to Cannes, France. He was being detained in Germany for extradition to Costa Rica for an alleged “violation of ships’ traffic,” which occurred during the 2002 filming of the award-winning documentary, “Sharkwater.” The specific incident took place on the high seas in Guatemalan waters, when Sea Shepherd encountered an illegal shark-finning operation run by Costa Rican vessel, the Varadero. On order of Guatemalan authorities, Sea Shepherd instructed the crew of the Varadero to cease their shark-finning activities and head back to port to be prosecuted. While escorting the Varadero back to port, the tables were turned and a Guatemalan gunboat was dispatched to intercept the Sea Shepherd crew. To avoid the Guatemalan gunboat, Sea Shepherd then set sail for Costa Rica, where the crew uncovered even more illegal shark-finning activities in the form of dried shark fins by the thousands on the roofs of industrial buildings.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Support Camille

Camille Marino is a passionate and uncompromising animal activist,  On Saturday, Feb. 4th, while attending a peaceful anti-vivisection demonstration and commemoration of two monkeys who were tortured to death at the University of Florida, Camille was arrested on charges related to her campaign against notorious vivisectionist, Donal O’Leary, an animal experimenter at Wayne State University in Michigan.

For over two decades, Donal O’Leary’s experiments have been found by The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) to be in “serious violation” of the Animal Welfare Act (USA). The PCRM has asked federal regulators to investigate the private laboratory of  O’Leary, for his ongoing torture of dogs, which the PCRM describe in their Petition for Enforcement as “unrelieved agony”. Please take a minute to let the President of Wayne State University, Allan Gilmour, know that you want him to immediately halt the use of dogs in the university’s ongoing and inhumane heart experiments, by using PCRM’s online form.
The following is an example of what Donal O’Leary did, with American tax dollars, to one sad, abandoned and frightened ‘shelter’ dog, a Dalmatian named Queenie:
“According to medical records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, Queenie’s chest was cut open so experimenters could install devices inside her. After a second major surgery to implant more instruments, she was forced to run dozens of treadmill experiments with catheters protruding from her body and incisions leaking bodily fluids, causing pain and distress. Hypertension was induced by reduction of blood flow to her kidneys. On June 29, 2010, Queenie — a former companion animal obtained from a Michigan animal shelter — was killed in the laboratory, after one of the devices broke and retracted into her body.”
Outraged by the dogs’ terrible suffering, Camille posted news and details of O’Leary’s heinous experiments on her website, Negotiation is Over (NIO). O’Leary used his blood money, purchased on the misery and death of hundreds of innocent dogs, to obtain a court order directing Camille “not to post anything about [O'Leary] on websites or other social media sites”. Given that details of  Donal O’Leary’s personal information could be easily obtained from elsewhere on the internet, the ruling was absurd. This is further underscored by the fact that published media reports of his atrocities also were – and are – readily available online. In addition, Camille has never set foot in Michigan nor caused any action to occur in Michigan, which makes the judge’s decision that Michigan has legal jurisdiction over Camille highly problematic and vulnerable to appeal. More importantly, the ruling was a direct violation of Camille’s constitutional rights under the First Amendment.
Camille spent a month of brutal incarceration and extradition from Florida to Michigan, until she was finally released on $500 bond on March 5th. Her next court date is scheduled on Wednesday, May 2nd at 1:30 PM. Camille could face a long, costly, and protracted trial. The vivisection complex is a powerful conglomerate comprised of industry, corporations, law and government. She is going to need our full support in meeting this challenge, so please help by publicizing her case, exposing the evils of vivisection, and by donating generously to her legal defense fund!
In addition to supporting Camille’s legal defense, it is imperative that we organize to expose the barbaric and sadistic acts inflicted on innocent animals by Donal O’Leary. Animal lovers, advocates and activists alike have vowed not to give up their fight for these dogs! It is the vivisectors, like O’Leary, who are the real criminals and it is they, not Camille, who must be brought to justice!
Please check out the links on this site for more detailed information and ideas on how you can help. Please watch and share our video describing Camille and her noble battle for total liberation of animals, including humans. If you live in Michigan, Please join our campaign to end O’Leary’s reign of terror at Wayne State University.
Support Camille Marino – YouTube

Monday, July 9, 2012

WE ARE ALL RADIOACTIVE is a brand new online documentary film created by TokyoMango blogger Lisa Katayama and TED film director Jason Wishnow. It's about surfers rebuilding northern Japan after the earthquake and tsunami on 3.11.2011. In the summer of 2011, a few months after the quake, we went to Japan to shoot interviews with locals, anti-nuclear activists, and global experts on radiation. We also gave four video cameras to the locals so they can film their experience through their own lens while we're not there. ,
 Chapter 1:
 Chapter 2:
 Chapter 3: