Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
AT 6:42 pm FAST COURTHOUSE UPDATE! Owyhee Complex ... 4 Motions heard
today. Yes, The restrictions were lifted and horses in Fallon can be
sold. Awaiting ruling on Preliminary Injunction on the Owyhee Complex.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Martyn Stewart shared a photo.
This will be one of those difficult days, 150 wild horses will loose their freedom and most likely their lives. Spare a thought today, an animals life is just as precious as ours, when are we going to understand this? I will be witness to theirs and the imagery i obtain will be all that's left of their existence.
Please help these animals and support Laura Leigh at
Monday, August 19, 2013
Martyn Stewart added a photo to his timeline.
future is bleak. Tomorrow I will be rounded up and sold. I would rather
be here where I was born and raised without mans help. Please save my
species. — at Tonapah, NV.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
are Injured, in need of veterinary treatment. Youngsters can hardly
walk, Animals crammed together. Horses hobble around. People gather to
buy and put price tags on their heads, most go off to the slaughter
houses. Once free on the range, their freedom was cruelly taken from
One of Americas last Icons and we sit back and let it happen.... — in Fallon, NV.
One of Americas last Icons and we sit back and let it happen.... — in Fallon, NV.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Kim Richard PDATE from #FallonSlaughter:
The Temporary Restraining Order has been served. The auction owner is
threatening to cancel sale and load all horses branded and unbranded
onto kill buyer trucks and drive them away. We have been asked to leave
the property until the sale begins...if it begins.
775-588-4184 - Every one call the FBI office responsible for fallon nv - tell them it is contempt of a court order, and a criminal conspiracy to transport stolen property over state lines - those horses belong to US and they have no right to sell them! Also let them know the local police may be part of the criminal conspiracy because they refuse to respond!
775-588-4184 - Every one call the FBI office responsible for fallon nv - tell them it is contempt of a court order, and a criminal conspiracy to transport stolen property over state lines - those horses belong to US and they have no right to sell them! Also let them know the local police may be part of the criminal conspiracy because they refuse to respond!
Judge Grants TRO to Stop Sale of Wild Horses At NV Slaughter Auction
Order could delay tomorrow’s sale of nearly 500 horses at Fallon Livestock Exchange
Reno, Nevada (August 16, 2013 . . . A federal court judge in Reno, NV has granted a coalition of wild horse advocacy and conservation groups a Temporary Restraining Order to block the sale of unbranded horses at a slaughter auction tomorrow in Fallon, Nevada. The groups sued to stop the sale of unbranded horses who were captured last weekend on public and tribal lands in northern Nevada, alleging that unbranded horses were likely federally-protected wild horses originating from the nearby Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Little Owyhee Herd Management Area.
Reno, Nevada (August 16, 2013 . . . A federal court judge in Reno, NV has granted a coalition of wild horse advocacy and conservation groups a Temporary Restraining Order to block the sale of unbranded horses at a slaughter auction tomorrow in Fallon, Nevada. The groups sued to stop the sale of unbranded horses who were captured last weekend on public and tribal lands in northern Nevada, alleging that unbranded horses were likely federally-protected wild horses originating from the nearby Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Little Owyhee Herd Management Area.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Martyn Stewart added a photo to his timeline.
the BLM has stockpiled 50,000 wild horses on midwest farms -- more than
the total that remain on the range. These two will be separated on the
20th of this month and most likely killed in Mexican slaughterhouses,
thats if they survive the torture of being chased by a helicopter. — at Tonapah, NV.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Gro Ottesen shared For Animals.'s photo.
Extraordinary hippo2010. A hippo in Africa saved a young wildebeest and a zebra from drowning as they crossed a river. The strong current of the Tanzania river would surely have taken the lives of the wildebeest and zebra had it not been for the quick-thinking and selfless hippo.
Tom Yule, manager of the Grumeti Expeditions tour operating company, captured the rescues on video in October and his son Michael (13) took the photos.Yule and several others saw the strong current sweep a young wildebeest calf downstream.
"The hippo immediately went after it and positioned itself on the downstream side of the calf, nudging it with its snout and keeping it above the water all the way across the river until the calf reached the other side and managed to get out and join the rest of the herd." Barely five minutes later the water swept away a zebra foal. The hippo immediately set off after the foal and helped it toward the opposite bank in the same way.
"The hippo got out of the water and came up behind the foal and started nudging it and gently biting it on its backside as if to say, 'Come on man, don't give up now, you can do it. Just a hop, skip and a jump and you're there.' "The foal slowly stepped off of the island and crossed the little channel on to the opposite side and rejoined the rest of the family group".
via Rúni Nielsen
The second grind is probably going to happen in Hvalba any moment.
Sources say it is a quite large pod. Stay tuned for closer update.
Nothing has happened yet.
Monday, August 12, 2013
12 years until elephants are all wiped out as one dies every 15 minutes
Monday 12 Aug 2013 1:03 am
Sunday, August 11, 2013
'At least it tastes of meat!': World's first test-tube artificial beef 'Googleburger' gets GOOD review as it's eaten for the first time
The 142g patty cost £250,000 to make and consists of meat grown in a lab
Total of 20,000 strips of meat were grown in petri dishes in the Netherlands
The artificial meat was electrically stimulated to bulk up the 'muscle' and then blended with 200 pieces of lab-grown animal fat
Red beetroot juice and saffron added to provide authentic beef colouring
It has also been revealed that one of the burger's financial backers is computer entrepreneur, and Google co-founder, Sergey Brin
Published On: Tue, Aug 6th, 2013
Emergency Declared at Fukushima
Christof Lehmann (nsnbc),- After
a 6.0 earthquake shook Fukushima on Sunday, the crippled nuclear power
plant has attracted renewed national and international attention. Now,
Shinji Kinjo, the head of Japan´s Nuclear Regulatory Authority, NRA,
admits to a Reuters journalist, that “right now, we have an emergency”.
There is no way to stop Fukushima radioactive water leaking into the Pacific - expert
Photo: EPA
The rate at which contaminated water has been pouring into the Pacific Ocean from the disabled Fukushima nuclear plant is worse than previously thought, an Industry Ministry official said Wednesday as PM Shinzo Abe pledged to step up efforts to halt the crisis. The Voice of Russia contacted Arnold Gundersen, founder and president of Fairewinds Associates, to discuss the crisis and its possible solutions. The expert suggests radioactive material will continue to leak into the global seas unless the plant is surrounded with a trench filled with zeolite. Even then however, toxic material will still flow into the Pacific through underwater routes.
The Taiji Dolphin Slaughter: A Scientific Issue
The dolphin drive in Taiji involves the corralling of dolphins into a cove for slaughter or to be removed and then sold to representatives from marine parks. An estimated 22,000 small whales, dolphins, and porpoises are killed in these hunts each year.
Dr. Andy Butterworth of the University of Bristol and colleagues have published a paper in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science analyzing the methods used by Taiji fishermen to kill the dolphins in the drive hunts. Through their analysis, the authors have revealed disturbing levels of physical trauma inflicted on the dolphins, and commented that these methods would not be acceptable under any international animal welfare standards.
The paper has compared the information provided by the Japanese government on the dolphin slaughter with video footage of the methodology and concludes that the current methodology leads to prolonged trauma and paralysis, which contradicts the information in the government report.
The publication of this paper has raised awareness of the dolphin slaughter within the scientific community and has elevated the issue to a peer reviewed scientific journal, raising the profile of the travesty in Taiji. This added pressure from the scientific community, which validates the efforts of so many advocacy efforts, could be what is needed to convince the Japanese government to end these hunts for good.
Video of the slaughter is available but be prepared, it is extremely disturbing.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
The incident was also videotaped and posted on YouTube by someone named Tom Blake. In it, at around 1:45 minutes, it appears that something is not right with the female trainer and the whale she is working with. Then, instead of springing up vertically out of the water and onto the “slideout” area, as her male counterpart does, she needs to be helped from the pool by her colleague, before collapsing in what appears to be serious pain.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
PRESS RELEASE – WINNEMUCCA, Nev. (August 8, 2013) – Yesterday, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), a division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, informed the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign (AWHPC), a national coalition, that it was reneging on its previous commitment to provide public observation of the taxpayer-funded helicopter roundup of wild horses on public lands in the Humboldt Toiyable National Forest. The capture operation is set to begin tomorrow, Friday, August 9, 2013, at 5 a.m., and the wild horses that are rounded up are scheduled to go to slaughter auction the following week.
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