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Friday, November 6, 2009

Oct 29/2009 The Cove at Dawn

Went to the cove...wanted to be present for this family of Pilot Whales. Arrived, as the Dawn was breaking and the slaughter was ending. This time, they did the killings in the dark. "Personal Space" guy from "The Cove" documentary was in my shadow, flicking his lighter, moping around me - he was sulky, perhaps because I did not have a camera in his face.

This morning they had three nets, two on the outside and one dividing inside the cove. Perhaps because last time they had a problem with the last brave Samurai Pilot Whale who fought so hard. Or perhaps they had driven in different dolphin species....and they wanted to separate them. This family of Pilot Whales seemed to slip away there were more men this time ...counted 16 men out there on three boats.... last time counted roughly 9-10 men. After the slaughter, they checked the nets as though they were looking for one that had been killed, but disappeared.....and it made me think of the baby. Just so awful. At the end, a speed boat of 11 men came towards shore - all looking my way...even though I may have been scared inside....showed no fear...and gave them my best native warrior/samurai look, 9 men disembarked and left the scene.

Returned back to the hotel, once again devastated. Received a call that I should go back up to the cliff to take photos of the barb wire ankle traps with the cell phone which had been loaned to me. Did not like going up there.. felt eyes watching, and it is always so spooky....but would go back again, as it seemed necessary.....

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