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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A member of anti-whaling group arrested
NHK Wakayama 2012/10/09

A German member of Sea Shepherd was arrested in Taiji, Wakayama, where whaling season began last month, for hanging down from the whaling monument displayed in a park and damaging it.

The person arrested is a German member of anti-whaling group "Sea Shepherd", Nils Greskewitz (25), who profess himself to be a gardener.

According to police investigation, Greskewitz is suspected of the damage of property for damaging the harpooon of the whaling monument displayed in Taiji "Whale Beach Park" by hanging down from it at around pm 4:30 on the 8th October.

It is reported that Greskewitz is stating that he did not intend to damage the monument.

Greskewitz was walking around the monument with several foreigners in the evening of the 8th October, and the police is further investigating the situation at the time.

In Taiji, the drive fishery of whales and dolphins has began in last month, and the police had been taking precautions against obstructive actions of anti-whaling groups, such as setting up a temporary police box.

According to another member of Sea Shepherd, Greskewitz hung down from the monument while they were taking photos of whale facilities.

During the police investigation, Greskewitz stated that he did not intend to damage the monument.

A female member of Sea Shepherd (Melissa Sehgal) said "It was a careless mistake, he was regretting what he had done was wrong." The affected Taiji town is considering a civil suit, the Mayor Kazutaka Sangen said "It was an act that denies our history, which we cannot condone. We know people have different opinions and appeals, but they should humbly reconsider their conduct resorting to violene or damaging properties."

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