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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Martyn Stewart 8:53pm Dec 2
Everyday between September 1st until March 31st we live in fear of of dolphins dying in Taiji. We have no control over the killings and we have no right to claim we have reduced the numbers killed.
Each day we wait for reports coming out of Taiji to see if the boats have or have not captured dolphins.
Many tears are shed and many emotions are tested.
Our anger increases and our tolerance is tested. We scream and we cry. Some people give up because they can't face the bad news everyday. Some people bury their heads in the sand.
Out of each day should come this, If we give up for the voiceless, we end all hope of these animals existence. Their future is in our hands. Turn your back on these defenseless animals and you become as bad as the killers because YOU know better.
Todays slaughter in Taiji should be used as a catalyst to carry on the fight. For every dolphin that is killed in the cove new energy should be generated in the form of letters, faxes and phone calls. If the animals are finally extinct in Japanese waters you need to always remember you did everything you could possibly muster up.
Don't be the one that says "I wish I had done more"

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