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Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Hardy helping melon-headed whale at Taiji, 1980, prior to release of 200 of these animals. — with Kathy L. Carrillo.
Hardy helping melon-headed whale at Taiji, 1980, prior to release of 200 of these animals.
the connection
Bom dia galera!!!

Pygmy elephant calf desperately tries to wake up dead mother who was one of ten animals found poisoned

'Great loss': A three-month-old elephant calf attempts to wake its mother; one of ten pygmy elephants found dead in Malaysia's Sabah state

  • A total of ten of the creatures have been discovered in the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve, Borneo, over the past three weeks
  • Conservation officials believe the endangered animals had been poisoned
  • Estimated to be fewer than 1,500 Borneo pygmy elephants in existence 
  • Again and again, the baby elephant nudged its mother’s head hoping desperately for a sign of movement.
It was to no avail. She had become another victim of a mysterious spate of deaths in the tropical rainforest.
If wildlife officials had not led the three-month-old infant to safety, it would probably have remained beside its mother until it, too, died.
'Great loss': A three-month-old elephant calf attempts to wake its mother; one of ten pygmy elephants found dead in Malaysia's Sabah state

Its distress moved the rescuers to tears, and left them desperate to discover who or what caused the tragedy.
In total, ten Borneo pygmy elephants have been found dead in three weeks at the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve.
The bodies were all near to each other and while poisoning appears to be the likely cause, it has yet to be determined whether it was intentional.
The animals still had their tusks, indicating that they had not been killed by poachers, and none had gunshot wounds.

"Once Upon a Time in Taiji" - Music by Vangelis "Memories of Blue"

THE HIDDEN THREAT OF PLASTICS IN OUR OCEANS: Small Fragments Being Ingested By Marine Life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mr. Izumi Ishii-San

From Dolphin Hunting to Dolphin Watching

Once one of the most outspoken advocates of the capture and killing of dolphins in Futo.

Izumi Ishii was a 3rd generation dolphin hunter, and is still a 6th generation fisherman. His father and grandfather taught him the ways of the sea. Taught him to fish, taught him to hunt.

Tear of the dolphin ~ Izumi Ishii

But Ishii-san has changed everything. "I heard the sound of the dolphins crying as they were killed. I could not bear it" he said in describing his reasons for converting from dolphin killing to dolphin watching."The value I now see in dolphins is not the value of their meat, but of the wonder they incite in us."

 "I had been moved by the sight of pods of dolphins and sometimes forgot my job as a hunter even when I was hunting them. I would like to convey my excited feelings to people through dolphin watching." ~

In 1997, Izumi Ishii reported to the authorities that the hunters were catching far more dolphins than their quotas allowed. There was no lawful penalty at the time for this over-catching of dolphins, but Izumi Ishii insisted to the Fishery Agency, Pref. Fishery Dept. and his own Fishermen Union, until penalties were created.

September 25, 2002 - The Maiden sailing of The New Kohkaimaru (click to go to Ishii-san's website)

The dolphin hunting season in Japan runs from September until March, but Futo has not hunted dolphins since 2005.  There are orders from aquariums, but still, they will NOT provide.

Izumi Ishii promised the dolphins and whales that he will protect them.
Gro Ottesen shared Horses For Life's photo.
URGENT ACTION ALERT!  Say NO to Legalizing Horse Slaughter and NO to Horse Meat Consumption in Oklahoma. Oppose Bill SB375.  

Oklahomans DO NOT KILL AND EAT THEIR HORSES and WE DO NOT KILL AND EAT THEM ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE UNITED STATES!  If SB375 passes, it will repeal the existing Oklahoma State law which prohibits anyone from possessing, transporting, selling or consuming horse meat— making horse slaughter and human consumption of horse meat legal for the first time since 1963 in the State of Oklahoma.  This bill is scheduled for a second reading in the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee on February 5th, 2013, so please TAKE ACTION!

SIGN THE PETITION which will be delivered to Sen. Ron Justice (OK-23), Sen. Eddie Fields (OK-10), The Oklahoma State House, The Oklahoma State Senate, and Governor Mary Fallin:

CONTACT government officials.  Email, Fax, Phone, Post on their FB pages.  Let them know the vast majority of Americans are against horse slaughter and we do not want horse slaughter, or anything to do with it, in the state of Oklahoma.

Sen. Ron Justice (OK-23)

Sen. Eddie Fields (OK-10)

Governor Mary Fallin

Thank you!
URGENT ACTION ALERT! Say NO to Legalizing Horse Slaughter and NO to Horse Meat Consumption in Oklahoma. Oppose Bill SB375.

Oklahomans DO NOT KILL AND EAT THEIR HORSES and WE DO NOT KILL AND EAT THEM ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE UNITED STATES! If SB375 passes, it will repeal the existing Oklahoma State law which prohibits anyone from possessing, transporting, selling or consuming horse meat— making horse slaughter and human consumption of horse meat legal for the first time since 1963 in the State of Oklahoma. This bill is scheduled for a second reading in the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee on February 5th, 2013, so please TAKE ACTION!

SIGN THE PETITION which will be delivered to Sen. Ron Justice (OK-23), Sen. Eddie Fields (OK-10), The Oklahoma State House, The Oklahoma State Senate, and Governor Mary Fallin:

CONTACT government officials. Email, Fax, Phone, Post on their FB pages. Let them know the vast majority of Americans are against horse slaughter and we do not want horse slaughter, or anything to do with it, in the state of Oklahoma.

Sen. Ron Justice (OK-23)

Sen. Eddie Fields (OK-10)

Governor Mary Fallin

Thank you!

Sea Shepherd Germany - Oliver Strotmann (with english subtitles)

Michelle Jean 7:45am Jan 30
it has just come to our notice that Izumi Ishii san is liable to lose his only means of livelihood, however meagre... his boat, the Kohkaimaru. If he cannot come up with another US$ 1600 by 09 February, he loses his boat. PLEASE HELP!!!! PLEASE !!! Even if it's just $5. Ishii-san is in crisis!



Monday, January 28, 2013

Love me for who I am, not who you want me to be. ♥
Love me for who I am, not who you want me to be. <3



TOKYO—Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, pressed ahead with his priority of shutting down the whaling and dolphin programs. At an unscheduled meeting, Prime Minister Abe mentioned “These steps will put Japan firmly in this century and we can leave this embarrassing behavior in our past”. Vowing for quick action to pull the country out of these programs, different meetings are scheduled so Japan can live up to global standards within the year.
Prime minister Abe appeared in a t-shirt of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the leading organization in the fight against the whaling and dolphin programs in Japanese territorial waters and the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary in Antarctica. Former president of Sea Shepherd, Mister Watson, who recently stepped down, has not yet responded to the news.
— with Shinzō Abe.

Vegan diet and the flu epidemic

Dear Editor:

The flu epidemic has invaded 48 states, overwhelming medical facilities, exhausting vaccine supplies and killing 29 children and thousands of seniors. Both the problem and solution to this disaster hinge on how we relate to animals raised for food.

Indeed, 61 percent of the 1,415 pathogens known to infect humans originate with animals. The more recent, contagious and deadly viruses among these include Asian, dengue fever, Ebola, H5N1 (bird), HIV, SARS, West Nile Virus and yellow fever. The pandemic “Spanish” flu of 1918 killed 20 million to 50 million people worldwide, and the World Health Organization predicts more pandemics in the future.

Today's factory farms are virtual flu factories. Sick, crowded, highly stressed animals in contact with contaminated feces and urine provide ideal incubation media for viruses. As these microbes reach humans, they mutate to defeat the new host's immune system and then propagate by contact.

Each of us can help end animal farming and build up our own immune system against the flu by replacing animal products in our diet with vegetables, fruits and whole grains. These foods don't carry flu viruses or government warning labels, are touted by every major health advocacy organization and were the recommended fare in the Garden of Eden.

Andrew Torelli



Saturday, January 26, 2013

  Photo By MIKE SEGAR/Reuters 20 hours ago


This little guy/girl swam up to me after his/her Mom had approached me.
Apparently mother manatees are very protective of their young;
so best to not approach them...let them come to you which is best
with regard to all manatees as you would not want to be swiped by
their tail flukes if they become frightened.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Rowena works tirelessly on behalf of all the orphaned kangaroos brought to her sanctuary in the Outback of Australia.  Please support her efforts as this is a "hands on operation" with needed funding to save as many Babies as possible and to care for them until they are old enough to be released. Thank you. Leslie-Ann


As we currently receive no government funding, we rely on donations to provide our "babies" with the specialty feed and care that they require.
We are a group dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing wildlife in the Goldfields region of Australia. Our goal is to have orphaned and injured native animals returned to their native habitat. By becoming a member for just $10.00 a year, you will receive a newsletter quarterly informing you of the progress of our animals. A donation of $10.00 can provide formula for one month for a joey.

Address:107 Forrest St., Coolgardie, WA 6429
Phone: 90267939


Sunday, January 20, 2013

For those of you that have Taiji fatigue, i understand your agony and disappointment but this is not about you or me, its about our planet, our skies, oceans and land. It is easy to turn away and feel self pity, its harder to carry on, we must all going together through the ups and downs. Taiji will not go away, even if you turn away. It is real and so is animal suffering....


shared Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Page (official)'s photo.
Today in Taiji, a family of 38 Bottlenose dolphins was driven into the cove. Dolphin trainers from Dolphin Resort Hotel, Dolphin Base and Taiji Whale Museum were transported to the cove by killing boat. Trainers and killers worked side by side from within the killing cove as this pod fought for every last second of freedom. 
Many of these dolphins frantically tried to escape the brutal hands of the killers as they became entangled within the nets. One dolphin that was trapped under the net for over ten minutes and then never resurfaced.
A total of 13 dolphins were taken for a life of captivity and placed in the Taiji harbor pens. 
Thrashing and screams echoed above the killing cove as the remaining pod of 24 dolphins was slaughtered. As the killing had ended, the thirteenth captive dolphin was taken from the cove via sling. This juvenile witnessed their family members being slaughtered one by one before being taken from within the cove to the harbor pens. The bodies were hidden under tarps and taken to the butcher house. 

Our livestream coverage today had approximately 5000 viewers from 10 countries and 113 cities.
We are shining an international spotlight on the atrocities that occur her in Taiji and will not stop until the slaughter ends.

To view our livestream footage from today, please visit

More photos from today:
shared For The Love of The Dolphins's photo.
...... A picture tells the story x

share this pic, or even better for silent protest use it as your cover pic.... for the respect for these beautiful angels ..lets see how many people we can get to share this as their cover page and tag Taiji, Japan in it... maybe it might make a stir in the media..???? .... sarah x

via Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Page (official)

-- 2012/2013 Drive Fisheries page has been updated.
Since the start of the season on September 1st, 2012 a total of 1,053 dolphins from five species have been driven into the cove in Taiji, Japan. Of this total 589 were killed, 288 were released and 176 were live-capture. Species captured, sold & killed include: Bottlenose Dolphins (T. gilli), Pacific white-sided dolphins (L. obliquidens), Risso's Dolphins (G. griseus), Short-finned Pilot Whale (G. macrorhynchus) and Striped Dolphins (S. coeruleoalba).

Stop Finning shared The Australian Anti Shark Finning Alliance's photo.
Shark Fin Soup, it's enough to make you sick.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Koraljka Polaček @ Becca, Marcos is in Spain I'm a baby Striped Dolphin named Marcos. I was discovered close to shore near Roquetas de Mar, Spain & was clearly not in good health. People from a local organization, called PROMAR, rescued me. While PROMAR speculates that perhaps my pod was killed, or I simply lost my way due to illness, we may n...

Posted by: Sea Shepherd

Veteran Cove Guardians are now being denied admittance into the country of Japan.  Of course a nation has the right to control its borders, but keeping out individuals who have committed no crimes and whose only “transgression” is the witness and documentation of the truth of Taiji’s dirty little secret is shameful. We should take pride in these denials for when a “civilized” nation goes to this extreme to hide the truth; it proves that the truth is dangerous.
The cove runs red with the blood of bottlenose dolphins! Taiji, evil, cruel, hell on earth. RIP to the people of the sea, so sorry for the captives.
Code Red - Cove Red.. Dolphin blood is spilled once again.
Code Red - Cove Red.. Dolphin blood is spilled once again.
I just heard bottlenose dolphins in the cove frantic about their futures. How do we tell them their lives are over. Slow death or prison awaits them. Taiji, Japan hell on earth for #dolphins.


shared Occupy The Environment's photo.
Islands of sanctuary for endangered orang-utans

AN AMBITIOUS project, led by a Melbourne zookeeper, to create a series of man-made islands for sick and injured orang-utans in Indonesia, is a step closer after an Australian fund-raising drive.

Earth 4 Orang-utans has secured 48 hectares in the northern part of Sumatra after raising a $150,000 down payment on the land from Australian donors, including Melbourne advertising executive Ted Horton and his wife Miche. It is understood they gave a significant sum towards the project.

The initiative is the brainchild of Jessica McKelson, head primate keeper at Melbourne Zoo, and Dr Ian Singleton, conservation director at the Sumatran Orang-utan Conservation Program (SOCP) in Indonesia.

Orang-utans are critically endangered due to the clearing of forests for palm oil in Indonesia, the last country in which the flame-haired apes are found in the wild. They also suffer from direct contact with humans, with many shot or captured illegally. Human diseases such as hepatitis are also passed on to them.

''No one has tried to educate the middle-class business people, the guys with the nice cars in the top networks,'' Dr Singleton said. ''At Melbourne or Sydney zoo, you'd get a strong education message, whereas the zoos here are all terrible, apart from, arguably, the ones in Bali. But even there you have people throwing peanuts at the animals and laughing at them.

''The perception of animals in Indonesia is alien to what we'd find acceptable. But showing people the animals and issues in a conducive setting could have a big impact.''

Photo: OTE
Islands of sanctuary for endangered orang-utans

AN AMBITIOUS project, led by a Melbourne zookeeper, to create a series of man-made islands for sick and injured orang-utans in Indonesia, is a step closer after an Australian fund-raising drive.

Earth 4 Orang-utans has secured 48 hectares in the northern part of Sumatra after raising a $150,000 down payment on the land from Australian donors, including Melbourne advertising executive Ted Horton and his wife Miche. It is understood they gave a significant sum towards the project.

The initiative is the brainchild of Jessica McKelson, head primate keeper at Melbourne Zoo, and Dr Ian Singleton, conservation director at the Sumatran Orang-utan Conservation Program (SOCP) in Indonesia.

Orang-utans are critically endangered due to the clearing of forests for palm oil in Indonesia, the last country in which the flame-haired apes are found in the wild. They also suffer from direct contact with humans, with many shot or captured illegally. Human diseases such as hepatitis are also passed on to them.

''No one has tried to educate the middle-class business people, the guys with the nice cars in the top networks,'' Dr Singleton said. ''At Melbourne or Sydney zoo, you'd get a strong education message, whereas the zoos here are all terrible, apart from, arguably, the ones in Bali. But even there you have people throwing peanuts at the animals and laughing at them.

''The perception of animals in Indonesia is alien to what we'd find acceptable. But showing people the animals and issues in a conducive setting could have a big impact.''

Slideshow: Sperm Whales Adopt Deformed Dolphin - ScienceNOW

Slideshow: Sperm Whales Adopt Deformed Dolphin - ScienceNOW

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today,these beautiful dolphins swam alongside us and beneath us.  Photo by Live wild dolphins provide a good living for many living in Hawaii....and are a precious resource.


Whales of Hawaii

I took this photo today of whales off the coast of Hawaii  
while on a tour boat. Many people making a good living with
wild dolphin swims, whale and dolphin watching.
RIP striped pod. We are so sorry for the loss of mothers, babies, an entire family gone from the planet forever :'(
Terrible day in Taiji....amazingly beautiful Striped dolphins and little babies have been rammed with rods in their blowholes-which is not humane at all and will be butchered for meat. Very thankful that some of the pod escaped the clutches of the killers, but it doesn't make it any less heartbreaking. Rest in peace sweet creatures.
To say this is distressing would be an understatement,if I had a script writer I would be able to articulate this a lot better but in simple terms, a large family of striped dolphins were separated, chased and destroyed at the drop of a hat. As I write with tears in my eye this is just too much to endure.
Please world love the elephants!
Male elephant, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
Male elephant, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya



Posted by:

Monday, January 28th:
Please take the day off to join us in Calgary Council Chambers to show support and thanks for Aldermen moving forward with the 2nd & 3rd readings of Calgary's shark fin ban by-law. We need everyone we know PLUS their family and friends to join us!
Click on our mini-movie link to remember why this is so important to all human-culture. Thank you

Hisaronu Dolphins

Hisaronu Dolphins

They have two pods, first pod are now being killed after putting up a fight. Other pod on its way in now. Devastating day in Taiji.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

This Country Will Ban Captive Dolphin Shows Capture and transport is inarguably stressful and dangerous for cetaceans, say officials in India.

Dolphin War heats up.. Villagers rebuke foreign activists

Dolphin War heats up.. Villagers rebuke foreign activists
I remember seeing a cartoon with coyote and roadrunner. Each morning they would clock in and go to work, once at work they would chase each other all day and clock out again at night But it stopped there, at the entrance to work. I feel that following people to their homes and filming after work has taken this campaign to an uncomfortable level! There is demand obviously for dolphin meat, the same as there is for beef etc, back home! Why do we not follow our own people back to their place of residence and film them after a day in the slaughterhouse? We are not going to make any impact this way just as it would be a negative impact visa versa. Lets keep our battles on the battleground. I feel uncomfortable if we cannot practice what we preach.

One of The Best Solutions To Ending The Dolphin Killings By Izumi Ishii

Izumi Ishii,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Not just another day in Taiji but one that has...
Martyn Stewart 11:23pm Jan 15
Not just another day in Taiji but one that has not been frequent enough. No dolphins were taken from their homes because they could not be found by the hunters and killers. Conditions were close to ideal but after 3 odd hours the boats turned for home. Mixed feelings as always, one of elation and one of sadness because before long these guys will be returning much more frequently without dolphins because there will be none. Today we dance but will we dance in a few years when this has stopped because of extinction? Let us not forget the animals that have lost their lives because of man and the ones that live in fear of our shadow.


Kerry Firkin Here in Australia we have the largest breeding hub of Humpback whales on earth at James Price Point Kimberleys WA and the government & Woodside are hell bent destroying their breeding grounds by building the largest LNG Processing hub right in the middle of it


Saturday, January 12, 2013

death of 20 rissos dolphins - The Cove. Taiji

shared Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines's photo.
RESCUED / SUCCESSFULLY RELEASED - Risso's Dolphin / Grampus griseus. From Natipuan Cove, Nasugbu, 1/11/2013. By the Hamilo Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Response Team and Nasugbu LGU team. Scarring is typical of Risso's dolphins. As they get older, some animals are almost entirely white. Once allowed to stabilize and moved to deeper water, the dolphin swam away strongly. - From Lory Tan
RESCUED / SUCCESSFULLY RELEASED - Risso's Dolphin / Grampus griseus. From Natipuan Cove, Nasugbu, 1/11/2013. By the Hamilo Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Response Team and Nasugbu LGU team. Scarring is typical of Risso's dolphins. As they get older, some animals are almost entirely white. Once allowed to stabilize and moved to deeper water, the dolphin swam away strongly. - From Lory Tan

Effort to free trapped orcas must raise awareness for all cetaceans | Suite101

Effort to free trapped orcas must raise awareness for all cetaceans | Suite101
Ady Gil shared NJ SPCA's photo.
To All :  Not sure if you have seen the problem that Hawaii is experiencing with Pitbulls.  Seems that several Pitbulls have been kissing and licking babies on the islands.  Authorities are working around the clock to make sure that none of the babies hurt the Pitbulls !!!!!!!!!!  Just sayin...................Capt
To All : Not sure if you have seen the problem that Hawaii is experiencing with Pitbulls. Seems that several Pitbulls have been kissing and licking babies on the islands. Authorities are working around the clock to make sure that none of the babies hurt the Pitbulls !!!!!!!!!! Just sayin...................Capt

Friday, January 11, 2013

A snake protects puppies! What a cool story!
"A snake protects two pups for 48 hours after they accidentally fall into a hole, India. At first, it was thought that she wanted to attack them, but then noticed she was caring for puppies. When rescued the snake was released into a forest. 

It is impossible not to share it with you"

‎"A snake protects two pups for 48 hours after they accidentally fall into a hole, India. At first, it was thought that she wanted to attack them, but then noticed she was caring for puppies. When rescued the snake was released into a forest.

As the World Bans Seal Products Canada Must Ban the Hunt
The best surfers in the world :)
WOW! Would you like to be this surfer!

This image was taken at Tallow Beach, Byron Bay yesterday morning

Photo credit - Sean O'Shea
WOW! Would you like to be this surfer!

This image was taken at Tallow Beach, Byron Bay yesterday morning
Artist for the Ocean's photo and comment:
#EarthFreedom #SaveQuebecOrcas Here is the Art I was inspired to create today! After Such passion, compassion, and International energy for such incredible majestic mammals of our great Earth that called out for help and a voice we all delivered!

Orcas 12 of Inukjuak
Hard Bristle Board
‎#EarthFreedom #SaveQuebecOrcas Here is the Art I was inspired to create today! After Such passion, compassion, and International energy for such incredible majestic mammals of our great Earth that called out for help and a voice we all delivered!

Orcas 12 of Inukjuak
Hard Bristle Board
Martyn Stewart's photo and comment.
Just a few hours ago, these beautiful Rissos dolphins were swimming past Japan on their anual migratory path and they were captured by evil men without empathy and compassion, tortured in an inconceivable way and then killed. 2 of this family endured seeing their family killed before their eyes and were forced into captivity.
Just a few hours ago, these beautiful Rissos dolphins were swimming past Japan on their anual migratory path and they were captured by evil men without empathy and compassion, tortured in an inconceivable way and then killed. 2 of this family endured seeing their family killed before their eyes and were forced into captivity.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

It is difficult to accept that these gentle being will be slaughtered in the next few minutes. The world is watching!
These beautiful and gentle dolphins swam free only minutes ago. Now their lives, their traditions, their love, will be gone forever!
These beautiful and gentle dolphins swam free only minutes ago. Now their lives, their traditions, their love, will be gone forever!

Australia's 8 greatest surf spots - Australian Geographic

Australia's 8 greatest surf spots - Australian Geographic

Email Campaign Against The Killing of 70,000 Canadian Grey Seals
UPDATE: we have just heard our mayor go on the fm and he said he was on the plane with few people and did not see the killer whales, although they saw alot of open patches of water and alot of cracks heading to the open water, open water is not that far from the flow ice and along the way there are alot of open patches of water. MAYOR and ELDERS are petty sure that they have moved on to open water and were not visible by air. ALSO 4 team of on ice hunters went out far north to check if they are visible in open patches of water but they did not see anything and even the seals are gone, they are saying, since the whales hadnt eaten for quite some time, they probably eaten all the seals close by, thats good, OUR ELDERS are saying there is more open water forming and they are pretty sure they have moved on to safety, patches of water, cracks leading to open water have been spotted and they are sure that they are ok. this is a very good news and the officials are all excited that the whales have reached safety. That is our latest update.

Trapped Orcas Not Out of The Woods Yet

Orcas in Canada Free & On The Move ~News NOW

UPDATE FROM JOY BENSON: We depart at 1:30 this afternoon with officials from the Municipality, the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board and others. ~ per Andy Moorhouse
UPDATE FROM JOY BENSON: Our Town manager has said that the plane will fly to try and locate the whale and try to get footage of the whales and of the open water but he did not say when it will arrive or start flying, but he says they will fly over there to try and spot the whales.
Karen Belfo They are FREE, but they are going to go and do an Aerial, thank youuu!!!! Just to make sure they are safe!! THANK YOU!!!