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Sunday, January 20, 2013


shared Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Page (official)'s photo.
Today in Taiji, a family of 38 Bottlenose dolphins was driven into the cove. Dolphin trainers from Dolphin Resort Hotel, Dolphin Base and Taiji Whale Museum were transported to the cove by killing boat. Trainers and killers worked side by side from within the killing cove as this pod fought for every last second of freedom. 
Many of these dolphins frantically tried to escape the brutal hands of the killers as they became entangled within the nets. One dolphin that was trapped under the net for over ten minutes and then never resurfaced.
A total of 13 dolphins were taken for a life of captivity and placed in the Taiji harbor pens. 
Thrashing and screams echoed above the killing cove as the remaining pod of 24 dolphins was slaughtered. As the killing had ended, the thirteenth captive dolphin was taken from the cove via sling. This juvenile witnessed their family members being slaughtered one by one before being taken from within the cove to the harbor pens. The bodies were hidden under tarps and taken to the butcher house. 

Our livestream coverage today had approximately 5000 viewers from 10 countries and 113 cities.
We are shining an international spotlight on the atrocities that occur her in Taiji and will not stop until the slaughter ends.

To view our livestream footage from today, please visit

More photos from today:

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