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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Turtle Populations Under Threat In Southern Ontario, Canada

Turtle populations in southern Ontario are under threat by poachers.THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Ron BrooksTurtle populations in southern Ontario are under threat by poachers.THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Ron Brooks

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Horse Brutally Strangled

 WHAG's photo.
We have a very sad update on a horse who was brutally strangled at a local farm in Martinsburg. Catnip has passed away, according to the Berkeley County Sheriff's Office. 

Catnip's caregivers tell WHAG she was euthanized under veterinarian
 care early this morning. Her throat had swollen to the point where she was having an extremely hard time breathing. She could also not get up.

WHAG sends out our condolences to the owners.

Deputies are searching for the people responsible. Subjects are described as white male teenagers with dark hair, about 5'5"-5'6" and were last seen running from the property on the south side of Shepherdstown Road to the Opequon Bridge toward Diesel Drive. It's believed these individuals reside in the Diesel Drive area.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Sheriff's Office at 304-267-7000.
Photo: We have a very sad update on a horse who was brutally strangled at a local farm in Martinsburg. Catnip has passed away, according to the Berkeley County Sheriff's Office. 

Catnip's caregivers tell WHAG she was euthanized under veterinarian care early this morning. Her throat had swollen to the point where she was having an extremely hard time breathing. She could also not get up. 

WHAG sends out our condolences to the owners. 

Deputies are searching for the people responsible. Subjects are described as white male teenagers with dark hair, about 5'5"-5'6" and were last seen running from the property on the south side of Shepherdstown Road to the Opequon Bridge toward Diesel Drive. It's believed these individuals reside in the Diesel Drive area. 

Anyone with information is asked to call the Sheriff's Office at 304-267-7000. *SHARE PLEASE*

Friday, July 11, 2014

Prime Chimp Habitat Being Destroyed
Gorilla Warriors ''The situation is grim, and these gorilla populations will go extinct soon without a sustained effort to intervene.''
''Primatologist Craig Stanford was interviewed about habitat threats to gorilla populations by a public radio station: "The Human Thr
eat to Great Apes":
Cell phones, like many other electronic devices, are built with capacitors, which require tantalum extracted from coltan. Eighty percent of the world’s coltan supply is mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the heart of the remaining habitat of eastern lowland gorillas. With an increasing demand for electronics driving a worldwide hunger for coltan, miners in the DRC are polluting and consuming gorilla habitat while extracting the ore. Compounding the problem, miners hunt the apes for food. The situation is grim, and these gorilla populations will go extinct soon without a sustained effort to intervene.''

Gorilla Vet Teams Help Numbers Regrow

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Stranded Whale Free!
From:Howie Cooke and Shekinah Leigh's photo.
She's free!! the whale is free and yes the SW rescue team deserve to be congratulated on pushing through and and not giving up
After yesterday's disappointing failures, caused in part by the unnecessary limitations imposed by Qld National Parks & Wildlife, today the Seaworld team really pulled out all the shots.  With persistent and consistent effort, along with a growing sense of the timing needed for success, the beautiful Palmy Whale (that we are calling Hope), is free! I also wanted to acknowledge the great effort by Sea Shepherd supporters & friends last night, not allowing government rules and regulations stop the passion of the people to do what is right!  They lived the truth of "bad things happen when good people do nothing". Their show of people power and the ability to stand up to bureaucracy & intimidation, at its lamest, I believe, gave Seaworld permission to go all out this morning in their attempts to rescue. So thank you everyone who helped, supported, prayed, sent love & good vibes. It was all worth it in the end <3
Shekinah Leigh feeling relieved
After yesterday's disappointing failures, caused in part by the unnecessary limitations imposed by Qld National Parks & Wildlife, today the Seaworld team really pulled out all the shots. With persistent and consistent effort, along with a growing sense of the timing needed for success, the beautiful Palmy Whale (that we are calling Hope), is free! I also wanted to acknowledge the great effort by Sea Shepherd supporters & friends last night, not allowing government rules and regulations stop the passion of the people to do what is right! They lived the truth of "bad things happen when good people do nothing". Their show of people power and the ability to stand up to bureaucracy & intimidation, at its lamest, I believe, gave Seaworld permission to go all out this morning in their attempts to rescue. So thank you everyone who helped, supported, prayed, sent love & good vibes. It was all worth it in the end

Latest News From ORRCA:

Palm Beach Update: unfortunately the weather hampered the rescue attempt this afternoon and the whale became stuck on another sandbank. Poor light and conditions has halted the rescue tonight.
A short time ago, a mob of misinformed people barged through barriers and entered the water with the intention of pushing the whale out.
All they succeeded on doing is moving the whale back closer to shore and face it the wrong way.
This has just made the rescue more difficult. Also they were lucky no one was seriously injured. The police are now involved.

ORRCA members will now bunker in for a second night of monitoring the whale, with hopes of an early morning rescue.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Palm Beach Update: the stranded little humpback is still holding its own. It is being protected from the sun and wind. A trench is being dug to create an escape channel for the animal. ORRCA and SeaWorld have been working tirelessly since 7pm last night to save the little whale.
Hopes are high for a refloat this afternoon around 5pm.

From: Dean Jefferys
Have just heard that a whale has stranded at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast and that National Parks will attempt to refloat it out to sea with the next high tide at 5 am. A few people from byron are going up and meeting other marine conservationists at 4-30 am to make sure they dont change there mind and instead want to study and kill it as they have done in the past. Its at the endf of 178th ave Palm Beach . Dont let SeaWorld get their hand on her. Here is a link to the whale story from byron today

From: Dean Jefferys

Whale still stranded on palm beach Gold Coast ave 17 after rope snapped. We had a dozen people there at high tide 5 am unfortunately qnpw and SeaWorld took control and saying safety was there main concern they didnt want any other help or people in the water preferring to use sea world people and boats. Two hours after high tide sea world rope snapped Next time if anyone sees a stranded whale don't call sea world call me and Howie Cooke and well aget a crew

Tow Rope On Whale Snaps

Update From: ORRCA

ORRCA members have monitored and guarded the stranded whale on the Gold Coast overnight
Towing attempts have failed three times this morning, and will be reattempted again this afternoon
Thanks to all our dedicated volunteers for all their efforts, especially through the cold night

    ORRCA Inc's photo.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Update By Orrca On Entangled Whate At Byron Bay

Update on Entangled whale at Byron Bay: Disentanglement team is onsite and assessing the whale. ORRCA members are stationed at several different vantage points, assisting NPWS, to relay behaviour observations and the position/movement of other humpback whales in the area, to the teams on the water.
Good luck to the crews on the water in their very difficult and dangerous task!

Jeuvenile Humpback Whale In Distress Off Byron Bay

Friday, July 4, 2014

Kenya and China Launch Initiative To Protoect Wildlife Reserves

"Naked and Afraid" on Discovery Channel

Avian Health, welfare, conservation, and beauty
I am a veterinarian and my patients are birds. I have, in the past, worked as a wildlife veterinarian as well. I have been an advocate for environmental, welfare and conservation efforts around the world.
I have to ask for your help.
Unfortunately I watched, by accident, a ridiculous and ignorant television program on the Discovery Channel in the USA. It is called "Naked and Afraid". Basically, 2 spoilt, young, middle class white people strip to nude and survive for 21 days "in the wild". The whole direction is that these two white folks try to kill wildlife, so they do not "starve" in those three weeks, but this one was particularly horrible. This episode is based in Namibia. These two destroyed a Hamerkop nest and brutally killed the young ones and ate them. This was entirely for vicarious entertainment.
The reason I am sending this message: do you have any sources I might contact to lodge a complaint about the treatment of these birds, which was solely for pure, greedy entertainment? Are there concerned parties in Namibia or neighboring countries that might be interested in this travesty?

Bulls Being Abused In Spain

By:Martyn Stewart 
I have witnessed this first hand, in a town called fuengirola in Spain, I was working on a documentary and watched in horror as this bull was chased onto the beach and set alight!! Screams rang out into the night air mingled with cheers and laughter. If you are a meat eater and are appalled by this, you have the power including all of us to put an end to this.