From:Howie Cooke and Shekinah Leigh's photo.
She's free!! the whale is free and yes the SW rescue team deserve to be congratulated on pushing through and and not giving up

Shekinah Leigh
feeling relieved
yesterday's disappointing failures, caused in part by the unnecessary
limitations imposed by Qld National Parks & Wildlife, today the
Seaworld team really pulled out all the
shots. With persistent and consistent effort, along with a growing
sense of the timing needed for success, the beautiful Palmy Whale (that
we are calling Hope), is free! I also wanted to acknowledge the great
effort by Sea Shepherd supporters & friends last night, not allowing
government rules and regulations stop the passion of the people to do
what is right! They lived the truth of "bad things happen when good
people do nothing". Their show of people power and the ability to stand
up to bureaucracy & intimidation, at its lamest, I believe, gave
Seaworld permission to go all out this morning in their attempts to
rescue. So thank you everyone who helped, supported, prayed, sent love
& good vibes. It was all worth it in the end

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