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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Taiji Forecast by Michele Bollo
UPDATE: 1130 looks like hope is fading for this small. innocent family of Risso's, driven to their doom. LiveStream:
1024 nine boats coming together to prepare for formation
0945 Boat# 3 returns to harbor More on way but will search for coast hugging families
0842 Both DP and CG report bangers have abandoned pursuit of pod. Now dispersed and heading out beyond horizon for another species and/or larger family?
0723 CG reports the bangers have found a pod
0642 Bangers out to stalk the innocent.
Sunshine all day, light winds. BAD.
Breathe deep. Sadly, they are closing in on the Risso's quota. But good that they may soon have to pass up the terrorized Risso's families and extend their search,spending time and money. But have you noticed the notable lack of babies?
We are sorry sweet Risso's.

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