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Saturday, January 15, 2011

This last week has been tough....there is no sleeping in fact, will probably never sleep an entire night for awhile after witnessing the horror and loss of many of my sea friends. The pain of this loss has ripple effects throughout Taiji....the mental health of men who kill the dolphins and the people who bear witness. Tuesday, two baby dolphins were taken to the Taiji whale museum...after their mothers were brutaly killed. The babies are terrified...not swimming correctly...and weak as they are not eating and lost without their mothers. It appears that they are striped dolphins.  Striped dolphins are known for not doing well in captivity...they usually refuse to eat and die within a couple weeks:(

 On this day i had passed a note to free the babies and mothers....but it was ignored. Instead, the trainers at the Whale museum are having to try to get these babies stable before they die. At one point it looked like one of the babies ate a fish...and the trainers all clapped their hands in relief. In fact, one of the trainers even shed a tear of happiness.....i could see that some of the trainers gathered around the babies with empathy of their trauma as right now they need special attention. Howerver, without their mothers' love at this fragile age, they may not survive...or may not want to survive.

Update:  Apparently they are not babies; but very young  dolphins.... the striped dolphin is a smaller species than the bottle nose.

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