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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Mermaid and Wild Dolphins

Not sure where to start... have not posted for a couple days and have many things to write about.

Spend time riding around on a bike...going to the onsens...and meeting local people. Every day i spend here, falling more in love with the they begin to accept me more and more.

There are many people with organizations who have come and gone in just the short time i have been here. Have made some good friends among those like-minded about wanting to understand the people and their way of help the dolphins and the community.

A local invited me to drop by his coffee shop. So stopped by with another girl staying here...who is very sweet and introduced her to him. He made us fresh coffee and we enjoyed chatting with him...learning about what it is like to grow up here...and he shared with us that he does not eat dolphin. And his dream is to one day see "wild dolphin watching" tour boats gliding amongst wild dolphins just outside the harbour. He even drew us a picture of his vision.  He said he would also love to have a statue of a mermaid overlooking the dolphins...and laughed saying..."you, mermaid, you, mermaid!". And he went on to say that i could feed fish to the wild dolphins. My friend who lives in Autralia then spoke of an Island off Australia which is a tourist attraction, because of the wild dolphins and people feed them fish. And I mentioned how funny that he should talk about a mermaid statue...because while staying in San Clemente, California, i stumbled upon a "mermaid/with dolphins" statue outside a coffee shop i went to each morning...and each time i walked by, it felt like the mermaid was bekoning me to return to Taiji.  I like to believe that many other locals share his dream.

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