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Friday, March 9, 2012

Migaloo the White Whale Speaks



Fungi is a well known dolphin in Ireland, regularly following people on boat and loves to surprise them. 


Via Tina Konstantinou: According to one source: Three orca babies, four beluga babies and two Pacific white-sided dolphin babies have died at the Vancouver Aquarium.  As of March 2012 at least 9 orcas, 7 narwhals, 9 Belugas, and 13 Pacific white-sided dolphins have died. A total of 38 dolphins. 
 Since 1964 there has been at 36 dolphin deaths related to the Vancouver Aquarium's pro-captivity, anti-conservation policies.

Monday, March 5, 2012


 However, figures for 2009 below are misleading on Wikipedia;  as the impression given is that the dolphin hunters are backing off.   While there in 2009, I witnessed one large pod of dolphins after another being slaughtered:  However, it is becoming more difficult to find the large pods.  The dolphin killers go out hunting with the same frequency; but they are now coming back empty handed more often.  The pods that they have been driving in are much smaller, with the exception of a large pod at the end of the 2012 dolphin season which ended February 28TH. Now they will be out hunting for Pilot Whales and harpooning goes on all year long.

 Unfortunately, no amount of criticism or public awareness has been able to halt the demise of the dolphin populations in japan waters. 

Some of the younger dolphin killers have been leaving the profession since 2009, as they know there is no future because of dwindling dolphin populations. Perhaps the IWC or UN should step in as time is running out quickly for the dolphins.

Below is via Wikipedia:
"In Japan, Striped, Spotted, Risso's, and Bottlenose dolphins are most commonly hunted, but several other species such as the False Killer Whale are also occasionally caught. A small number of Orcas have been caught in the past. Relatively few Striped Dolphins are found in the coastal waters, probably due to hunting.[1] catches in 2007 amounted to 384 Striped Dolphins, 300 Bottlenose Dolphins, 312 Risso's Dolphins and 243 Southern Short Finned Pilot Whales, for a total of 1,239 animals. These numbers do not include dolphins or other small whale species killed using various other methods, such as offshore harpoon hunts, in which mainly porpoises are killed. Another 77 Bottlenose Dolphins, 8 Risso Dolphins, 5 Southern Short Finned Pilot Whales were captured for use in the entertainment industry in Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan. The quota set by the government for the species that were targeted in drive hunts that year allowed for the capture of 685 Striped Dolphins, 1,018 Bottlenose Dolphins, 541 Risso's Dolphins, and 369 Southern Short Finned Pilot Whales. The quota applies to all hunting methods.[2]

The Japanese town of Taiji on the Kii peninsula is as of now the only town in Japan where drive hunting still takes place on a large scale. In the town of Futo the last known hunt took place in 2004.[3] In 2007 Taiji wanted to step up its dolphin hunting programs, approving an estimated ¥330 million for the construction of a massive cetacean slaughterhouse in an effort to popularize the consumption of dolphins in the country.[4] However, an increase in criticism and the considerable toxicity of the meat appears to be achieving the opposite. During the first hunt of the season in Taiji in 2009, an estimated 50 Pilot Whales and 100 Bottlenose Dolphins were captured. Although all the Pilot Whales were killed, and 30 Bottlenose Dolphins were taken for use in dolphinariums, the 70 remaining animals were set free again instead of being killed for consumption.[5]
An increasing number of dolphin welfare advocacy groups such as Earth Island Institute, Surfers for Cetaceans and Dolphin Project Inc., dispute these official Japanese claims. These groups assert that the number of dolphins and porpoises killed is much higher, estimated at 25,000 per year."


Peru via Wikipedia

Though it is forbidden under Peruvian law to hunt dolphins or eat their meat (sold as chancho marino, or sea pork in English), a large number of dolphins are still killed illegally by fishermen each year.[55] Although exact numbers are not known, the Peruvian organisation Mundo Azul (Blue World) estimates that at least a thousand are killed annually. To catch the dolphins, they are driven together with boats and encircled with nets, then harpooned, dragged on to the boat, and clubbed to death if still alive. Various species are hunted, such as the Bottlenose and Dusky Dolphin.[56]

Sunday, March 4, 2012

BBCドキュメンタリー「津波の子供たち」"Japan's children of the tsunami " 3:11

Indian Leather Industry Exposed by PETA

Цирк - медвежья каторга. "ВИТА"

A Holocaust Victim - Yellow Badge 1474

Primate Trade Network Unmasked - different species, one planet!

Primate Trade Network Unmasked - different species, one planet!

Gro Ottesen 4 March 12:24
End the Torture of Chimpanzees in Laboratories - The Petition Site
The use of chimpanzees in HIV/AIDS, cancer, hepatitis C, and other human disease research has been l...


One morning in Taiji, I went into a cafe and there were two fishermen or dolphin killers sitting at a table.  On spotting me, one of them went to a phone and while talking was staring at me.  I figured that he was telling someone that I was in town.  Perhaps I was being reported to the website below which attempts to monitor everyone who comes to Taiji for the dolphins.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tension In The Air

I arrived back in Taiji, the day before a Sea Shepherd Cove Monitor was to be exonerated by the Court for assault.  He had spent the last couple months in jail for allegedly assaulting a dolphin trainer.

The day before my arrival, the hotel had been raided by the police for a second time.  The police were obviously looking for some last minute evidence that they could pin on the Sea Shepherd person.  During their last raid,  they had confiscated computers, cameras, glad that I missed it! 

One could feel the tension in the air....with many locals upset over feeling that the Sea Shepherd person should have been found guilty.   In Japan being arrested almost always guarantees a guilty verdict....otherwise, so they believe, why would you have been arrested?
Arrived back in Taiji in December and my first morning at 4:30AM, found me at the Kii Katsuura fish market....the largest tuna fish market in Japan.  As the tuna population decreases in the ocean...the larger adult tuna are becoming harder to find and now seeing an increase in juvenile tuna being brought in for auction. The tuna are becoming smaller and smaller forcing the fishermen further and further away from Japanese waters.  These fishermen work so hard, leaving port around 1AM and 2AM. 

 I have to wonder if  the collapse of the tuna fishing industry will not put more pressure on the already dwindling dolphin populations.

Chilling Cruelty in the Down Industry

Indonesia: New investigation. Same cruelty.

Indonesia: New investigation. Same cruelty.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Some Dolphin Killing Statistics

2010/2011 Season (01-Sep-2010 - 04-May-2011):

For the season 2010/2011 occuring between the dates of September 1st, 2010 & May 4th, 2011 a total of 1,297 animals have been captured and driven into the cove at Taiji, Japan. Of this total 849 (65%) have been killed, 181 (14%) have been released and 98 (8%) have been sold to the captive display industry. The status of the remaining 169 individuals is unknown. Species captured, sold & killed include: Bottlenose Dolphins (T. gilli), Risso's Dolphins (G. griseus), Striped Dolphins (S. coeruleoalba), Pantropical Spotted Dolphins (Stenella attenuata), Pacific White-sided Dolphins (L. obliquidens) and Short-finned Pilot Whales (G. macrorhynchus).

 Drive Hunt Results, Figure 1. Results by species are listed below:
Bottlenose: 700 total animals caught, 311 killed, 62 sold to aquariums & 158 released

Pilot Whale, Short-finned: 50 total animals caught, 35 killed, 2 sold to aquariums & 13 released

Risso's Dolphin: 238 total animals caught, 220 killed, 11 sold to aquariums & 7 released

Spotted Dolphin, Pantropical: 30 animals caught, 30 killed, 0 sold to aquariums & 0 released

Striped Dolphin: 253 total animals caught, 251 killed, 2 sold to aquariums & 0 released

White-sided Dolphin, Pacific: 26 total animals caught, 2 killed, 21 sold to aquariums & 3 released

Emotional Music Dolphin Touch - A Unique Friendship Human & Dolphin

The Intelligence of Dolphins (Part 1)

Report: Harmful Chimpanzee Research Not Worth the Pain

Update 2 p.m. ET: 90 minutes after the IOM report’s public release, NIH director Francis Collins announced that “I have considered the report carefully and have decided to accept the IOM committee recommendations.” The report recommended the NIH establish an independent oversight committee to evaluate each study, limiting biomedical experiments only to what is absolutely necessary and ensuring that all research is ethically conducted. No new research funding will be granted until the recommendations are in place.
Human ingenuity and compassion have prevailed in an Institute of Medicine declaration that invasive medical experiments on chimpanzees are largely unnecessary.
Though the report’s suggestions are not legally binding, the Institute is widely respected. Its judgments often shape government and academic policy. According to the report, experiments that inflict physical and mental harm to humanity’s closest living relatives are justified only when absolutely indispensable, and when no other alternatives exist.
Thanks to improvements in drug design, research techniques and experimental methods, alternatives do exist. Of 436 federally owned research chimps and 501 kept in private laboratories, only a few might be considered important to medical progress — and perhaps not for long.
“While the chimpanzee has been a valuable animal model in past research, most current use of chimpanzees for biomedical research is unnecessary,” conclude the 12 members of the Committee on The Use of Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behavioral Research. They describe a “decreasing need for chimpanzee studies due to the emergence of non-chimpanzee models and technologies.”
Said John Pippin of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, an animal advocacy group, “the IOM report paves the way for the end of invasive chimpanzee research in the United States.”

The report, commissioned in January after the National Institutes of Health tried to return 209 retired chimpanzees to research duty, is based on almost seven months of deliberation, including reviews of hundreds of studies and testimony from dozens of experts.
Housed at the Alamogordo Primate Facility in New Mexico, the chimps had been rescued in 2001 from the Coulston Foundation, a private laboratory infamous for cruelty and negligence to animals. Many had lived for decades in captivity, subjected to forced infections and surgeries, separated from families, and held in isolation. Now, after earning the closest thing to freedom they’d ever get, they’d be sent back.
Medical research on chimps has long been opposed by animal advocates, but the Alamogordo colony’s plight also resonated in the consciences of non-activist citizens and many scientists. Faced with public outrage and Congressional pressure, the NIH agreed to postpone the move until an Institute of Medicine committee evaluated chimpanzee research, which hadn’t been nationally debated since the early 1990s, when chimps were thought important for insights into HIV.
Much had changed since, including our fundamental understanding of chimps. Cognitive and behavioral research formally described deep capacities for thought and feeling: Chimps experience happiness and grief, are both self-aware and empathic, and have culture and the rudiments of morality. On the spectrum of personhood, they’re not far from people.
In the medical world, scientists discouraged by the practical, financial and ethical challenges of chimp testing found ways to avoid it. Several pharmaceutical companies, including GlaxoSmithKline, renounced experimentation on chimps and other great apes. Only hepatitis C — a virus that, apart from infecting humans, only infects chimps — remained a highly active area of chimpanzee medical experimentation. Subjecting them to procedures that would traumatize people, and do traumatize chimps, no longer seemed essential for medical progress.
Some researchers, especially those who already experimented with chimpanzees and studied hepatitis C, still argued that chimps were necessary. But they didn’t convince the Institute of Medicine’s committee.
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Whale And Dolphin Meat In Taiji

Whale (whale meat) is to table直送still fresh whale meat from Taiji healthy low-calorie ★ ● ● High-protein low-fat ●!

City of everlasting spring whales Taiji town, the town has flowers all year round. Deliver flowers photos and pictures of the sea from such Taiji.
Whales from the town of Taiji, we sent directly to the table of everybody whale meat directly managed super Taiji fishery. Whale meat
The body-friendly, healthy meat and low-calorie triple threat ● ● High-protein low-fat ●.
The whale meat to deliver to everyone, the whale was caught in the Antarctic Ocean scientific whaling, whale meat will deliver a clear criterion Welfare.
Please make sure miss the taste of whale meat has been traditionally eaten as a traditional Japanese food culture.

Click to enlarge

In Taiji for culture and protection of whales and other food have been told many years, the whale catch quotas in the fishing and the government decided on the basis of the whale resources survey of the coast outside the jurisdiction of the IWC has taken.

There are various ways of eating, and sashimi manager is to recommend what to say. Whale meat and skin (fat part), sliced, and combined our sashimi was excellent!
Whale sashimi (sashimi), which is a staple of our ginger soy sauce, and local Kumano, It smells faintly of citrus fruit, and even how you folded in ponzu citrus fruit.

"The meat is very cut?" Those who believe, Do not worry, like state and by 1.2 hours and half-understood it from the freezer, and easily cut with a knife than this time, good It can be sliced ​​into.

Japanese have eaten whale since the dawn of time! Which after the war, Japan has covered the kitchen as a significant source of protein. After whaling regulation, which became a valuable product, Taiji Fishery Cooperative has been providing whale meat this week.

Low calorie and low fat! And delicious! The whale meat is a triple threat, without worrying about the calories, eat beautiful food!
The current diet of high fat high calorie, balanced diet with meat and fish, such as Cohen
Nostalgic ●, roller whales back into the pot with water and Oden ● The skin over the water, then silver skin from the Haida, sliced ● The whale bacon, and fried rice with chopped fillings

Whale meat not know on purchases ●, including FAQ and order flow
Contact us by email, please do not hesitate feel free contact us at here. Manager and staff will answer.
fishery in Taiji whale meat has been providing peace of mind.
Since the IWC moratorium on commercial whaling 1982 (Pause) adopted at once interrupted by recent commercial whaling by Japan in March 1988 has just became less valuable opportunity to eat whales.
In particular, in Taiji, such as for food and other cultural protection have been told many years, among seasons and catch quotas determined on the basis of a pilot study of government resources outside the jurisdiction of the IWC in the coastal has taken.
Taiji is a super fishery has been mail-order sales and Taiji whale was landed by fishing this way. Moreover, since we have also introduced with the whale recipe, please use.
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