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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Some Dolphin Killing Statistics

2010/2011 Season (01-Sep-2010 - 04-May-2011):

For the season 2010/2011 occuring between the dates of September 1st, 2010 & May 4th, 2011 a total of 1,297 animals have been captured and driven into the cove at Taiji, Japan. Of this total 849 (65%) have been killed, 181 (14%) have been released and 98 (8%) have been sold to the captive display industry. The status of the remaining 169 individuals is unknown. Species captured, sold & killed include: Bottlenose Dolphins (T. gilli), Risso's Dolphins (G. griseus), Striped Dolphins (S. coeruleoalba), Pantropical Spotted Dolphins (Stenella attenuata), Pacific White-sided Dolphins (L. obliquidens) and Short-finned Pilot Whales (G. macrorhynchus).

 Drive Hunt Results, Figure 1. Results by species are listed below:
Bottlenose: 700 total animals caught, 311 killed, 62 sold to aquariums & 158 released

Pilot Whale, Short-finned: 50 total animals caught, 35 killed, 2 sold to aquariums & 13 released

Risso's Dolphin: 238 total animals caught, 220 killed, 11 sold to aquariums & 7 released

Spotted Dolphin, Pantropical: 30 animals caught, 30 killed, 0 sold to aquariums & 0 released

Striped Dolphin: 253 total animals caught, 251 killed, 2 sold to aquariums & 0 released

White-sided Dolphin, Pacific: 26 total animals caught, 2 killed, 21 sold to aquariums & 3 released

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