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Monday, March 5, 2012


 However, figures for 2009 below are misleading on Wikipedia;  as the impression given is that the dolphin hunters are backing off.   While there in 2009, I witnessed one large pod of dolphins after another being slaughtered:  However, it is becoming more difficult to find the large pods.  The dolphin killers go out hunting with the same frequency; but they are now coming back empty handed more often.  The pods that they have been driving in are much smaller, with the exception of a large pod at the end of the 2012 dolphin season which ended February 28TH. Now they will be out hunting for Pilot Whales and harpooning goes on all year long.

 Unfortunately, no amount of criticism or public awareness has been able to halt the demise of the dolphin populations in japan waters. 

Some of the younger dolphin killers have been leaving the profession since 2009, as they know there is no future because of dwindling dolphin populations. Perhaps the IWC or UN should step in as time is running out quickly for the dolphins.

Below is via Wikipedia:
"In Japan, Striped, Spotted, Risso's, and Bottlenose dolphins are most commonly hunted, but several other species such as the False Killer Whale are also occasionally caught. A small number of Orcas have been caught in the past. Relatively few Striped Dolphins are found in the coastal waters, probably due to hunting.[1] catches in 2007 amounted to 384 Striped Dolphins, 300 Bottlenose Dolphins, 312 Risso's Dolphins and 243 Southern Short Finned Pilot Whales, for a total of 1,239 animals. These numbers do not include dolphins or other small whale species killed using various other methods, such as offshore harpoon hunts, in which mainly porpoises are killed. Another 77 Bottlenose Dolphins, 8 Risso Dolphins, 5 Southern Short Finned Pilot Whales were captured for use in the entertainment industry in Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan. The quota set by the government for the species that were targeted in drive hunts that year allowed for the capture of 685 Striped Dolphins, 1,018 Bottlenose Dolphins, 541 Risso's Dolphins, and 369 Southern Short Finned Pilot Whales. The quota applies to all hunting methods.[2]

The Japanese town of Taiji on the Kii peninsula is as of now the only town in Japan where drive hunting still takes place on a large scale. In the town of Futo the last known hunt took place in 2004.[3] In 2007 Taiji wanted to step up its dolphin hunting programs, approving an estimated ¥330 million for the construction of a massive cetacean slaughterhouse in an effort to popularize the consumption of dolphins in the country.[4] However, an increase in criticism and the considerable toxicity of the meat appears to be achieving the opposite. During the first hunt of the season in Taiji in 2009, an estimated 50 Pilot Whales and 100 Bottlenose Dolphins were captured. Although all the Pilot Whales were killed, and 30 Bottlenose Dolphins were taken for use in dolphinariums, the 70 remaining animals were set free again instead of being killed for consumption.[5]
An increasing number of dolphin welfare advocacy groups such as Earth Island Institute, Surfers for Cetaceans and Dolphin Project Inc., dispute these official Japanese claims. These groups assert that the number of dolphins and porpoises killed is much higher, estimated at 25,000 per year."

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