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Saturday, February 15, 2014

How could any human justify this?Mark Muschamp's photo.
A couple of images that show Angel in her small, dirty pool at the Taiji Whale Museum.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

U.S. Olympian Rescuing Puppies In Sochi

US Olympian Gus Kenworthy has really taken to those stray dogs in Sochi:
Leaving the land that kill dolphins and small wales, leaving animals that I so much promised I would be with until this insanity stops, leaving with a sence of failure yet one of pride that I did what I could and I will never forget that. Leaving a country that so much needs our guidance and not interference, leaving Taiji in a far worse state than I found it in. Leaving behind many friends that I made and will probably never see again. Leaving a large piece of my heart on a beach in Taiji

Sadly Martyn Stewart Being Deported From Japan

Japan has chosen to deport me for my unreasonable behavior in Taiji!
This is based on a reporter that voiced his dissatisfaction to me being in Taiji and instigating problems involving Sea shepherd the group they say I belonged to. The fact that I have been to Taiji on 3 other occasions shows no logic in these false claims. They are using me as a scapegoat. They do not want westerners in Taiji. I was also told that the Japanese would rather eat glass than give into Sea Shepherd. The fate of the dolphins is Not in our hands anymore, they will kill as many as there are left. I am deeply saddened by all of this and the arrogance and corruption that the Japanese government bring to the table. This is a police/military state becoming dominated by bullying and pride.
I am sorry for the animals I will no
Longer be able to speak for but I will continue to pay for bodies on the ground that wish to be there that are NOT associated with SSCS .
I now have a very difficult and emotional flight before me.
The picture attached is how they treat innocent people, god help the criminals!

Dawn to Death - the dolphin slaughter in Taiji. Japan by Martyn Stewart

Martyn Stewart Cold And Hungry While Being Kept In Detention

I am freezing cold, 3 bananas and tired out, it is as though I have killed someone, no pillow, no bedding, no towel to dry myself with. They look through the hole in the door every 15-30 minutes to see what I'm doing, this is corruption and lies, they are going on the words of people who have set up a website about me that I'm an Eco terrorist and trouble maker, they claim that I am sea shepherd and have pictures of me standing on the cove with them, I told them I was one of 3 independents that day, Mike Lorden and Kim Flaherty were the other two, they do not believe me and claim I'm a trouble maker even though I have never been arrested, or spoken to about my behavior! I have been spat at, I had a knife held to my chin, saw Rosie Kunneke threatened by fishermen yet I'm a terrorist!!!
This needs to get out to the networks while we have momentum, if you can post as much as possible to them, who knows!!! We will loose our standing here in Taiji eventually and then the dolphins will have nothing but extinction. I simply cannot answer all the PM's and questions right now, I have gone nearly 48 hours without sleep, thank you all, you are amazing x

Tilikum's Lonely Life
Martyn Stewart is a regular visitor to Taiji and he's now held in a room in Osaka airport. Please keep him in your thoughts over the next few hours.
I am Locked in a cell room at Osaka airport waiting on an appeal to the high minister regarding my entry into Japan. I'm accused of being sea shepherd and an Eco terrorist, my footage is not liked in Japan apparently and have been accused of assaulting members of the public. In 4 years of being here for the dolphins I have maintained the law and abided by their rules. My words and pictures did the rest. The government of Japan will do anything to protect the rights of the fishermen of Taiji and the barbaric treatment of the animals involved.
Please share far and wide to bring awareness to this corrupt government and those that want to continue to brutally treat these amazing animals. The condition I'm in and the treatment I have received is nothing short of criminal.

Shock Over Meat Of Endangered Whales Shipped Through Canada

Martyn Stewart Locked Up At Osaka Airport Accused Of Being Eco-Terrorist

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Re: Killing Of Marius

By Gro Ottesen: Shut down every single zoo in the whole world.This is happening worldwide!!!-Not only in Denmark!-Recently several kangaroos were killed for the same reason-overpopulation in Norway…They kill about 20-30 animals each year in Denmark..i guess it is the same amount here in Norway..How many do you think they kill in zoo´s in the USA ,China..etc..?We just don't get to hear about it!!-But now we had got to know what is going on behind bars there…next time we might be able to save some on an earlier stage…We had to little time now..and they would not listen...

Re: The Killing Of Marius

By Tracy Ellen: Those photos don't show the half of it; it was extremely gory - and the number of smartphones pointing at the "dissection" was shocking, particularly as many were held by children. Yorkshire Wildlife Park was just one facility who wrote to Copenhagen Zoo offering to take this giraffe in and prevent his unnecessary death but CZ did not even respond; they knew what they were doing and nothing was going to change their minds. A petition to have the boss fired is upwards of 120k now, not that that does anything to help this beautiful animal. Despise zoos and everything they stand for.

Re: The Killing Of Marius

If you need more proof that Zoos need to be closed down after reading this, then there is no hope! Observing animals in Zoos so you may protect them in the wild is bollocks, We are loosing species every day. Zoos are for profit only. This is disgusting, Stop breeding the animals then you wouldn't have to cull them!
The vision i also have of children standing by as they chop up the animal makes me wonder what the fuck we have evolved into...

Zoo Used Baby Calf Marius To Attrack Visitors Then Killed Him

Monday, February 10, 2014

When Marius was a baby, he was Hope... He was loved by his Mom, though sadly born in captivity.. At the time, the Copenhagen Zoo had a public contest to name him.. 18 months later, they shot him in the head with a bolt gun, a perfectly healthy giraffe boy, deemed 'surplus', even though many locations pleaded to adopt him. There is no logical justification for his murder by the zoo. Please help close this horrible place down forever.