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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sadly Martyn Stewart Being Deported From Japan

Japan has chosen to deport me for my unreasonable behavior in Taiji!
This is based on a reporter that voiced his dissatisfaction to me being in Taiji and instigating problems involving Sea shepherd the group they say I belonged to. The fact that I have been to Taiji on 3 other occasions shows no logic in these false claims. They are using me as a scapegoat. They do not want westerners in Taiji. I was also told that the Japanese would rather eat glass than give into Sea Shepherd. The fate of the dolphins is Not in our hands anymore, they will kill as many as there are left. I am deeply saddened by all of this and the arrogance and corruption that the Japanese government bring to the table. This is a police/military state becoming dominated by bullying and pride.
I am sorry for the animals I will no
Longer be able to speak for but I will continue to pay for bodies on the ground that wish to be there that are NOT associated with SSCS .
I now have a very difficult and emotional flight before me.
The picture attached is how they treat innocent people, god help the criminals!

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