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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Martyn Stewart Cold And Hungry While Being Kept In Detention

I am freezing cold, 3 bananas and tired out, it is as though I have killed someone, no pillow, no bedding, no towel to dry myself with. They look through the hole in the door every 15-30 minutes to see what I'm doing, this is corruption and lies, they are going on the words of people who have set up a website about me that I'm an Eco terrorist and trouble maker, they claim that I am sea shepherd and have pictures of me standing on the cove with them, I told them I was one of 3 independents that day, Mike Lorden and Kim Flaherty were the other two, they do not believe me and claim I'm a trouble maker even though I have never been arrested, or spoken to about my behavior! I have been spat at, I had a knife held to my chin, saw Rosie Kunneke threatened by fishermen yet I'm a terrorist!!!
This needs to get out to the networks while we have momentum, if you can post as much as possible to them, who knows!!! We will loose our standing here in Taiji eventually and then the dolphins will have nothing but extinction. I simply cannot answer all the PM's and questions right now, I have gone nearly 48 hours without sleep, thank you all, you are amazing x

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